Labrador Hails Health Care Ruling
Congressman-elect Raul Labrador reacted to judge's ruling against the health care reform bill: "(Monday's) ruling by U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson in Virginia that the Health Care Reform Bill passed by Congress last Christmas Eve contains unconstitutional requirements represents a great victory for all Americans and our Constitution. Idahoans are deeply opposed to the reform bill. I am proud to have been an original sponsor of the Idaho Health Care Freedom Act in the Idaho Legislature. The fundamental reason for bringing this bill, which Governor Otter signed into law, was that our U.S. Constitution does not grant the federal government the power to force Americans to purchase health insurance, or anything for that matter, against their will. ... Justice Hudson saw the law for what it is: an unprecedented expansion of federal power at the expense of the states and of the people when he said the law “would invite unbridled exercise of federal police powers.” More here.
Question: Does Labrador reflect your thinking on the health care reform bill?