Megaloads: Time Limit Doesn’t Work
(Megaload opponent) Linwood Laughy said based on his calculations, he doesn’t believe the megaloads can meet ITD’s standard of not delaying traffic more than 15 minutes. “I’ve calculated it out,” he said. “One stretch they’d have to go 49 mph.” Attorneys for ConocoPhillips are now cross-examining Laughy, asking him if he has an engineering background or has ever worked with an oversized load. He answered no. “You’re not an engineer,” attorney Erik Stidham said to Laughy. “Is this just one of those situations where you look at it and you just say, ‘I don’t understand how this is going to work?’”/Betsy Russell, Eye On Boise. More here.
- Emmert recovered Mammoet's lost megaload in Indiana, fell off truck
- Conoco: Opponents failed to make case
- Opponents: Where is the concern for the public
- Conoco's motion is denied
- ITD's testimony on 'balancing needs' raises hearing officer's concern
- AM coverage of megaloads hearing