Closing Book On Juvenile Indescretions
What if the stupidest things you did at age 14 came up now during a job interview? If the application form included a box asking if you’d ever driven drunk in your parents’ car? Plagiarized an essay on Huck Finn? Set fire to bags of dung and left them on doorsteps? That’s sort of the situation facing Starcia Ague when she graduates from Washington State University, only her stupid things were a lot more serious: three felonies associated with a break-in robbery she participated in back in 2003. It was a bad call, for sure, and she was locked up for the rest of her childhood. But to make that the end of her story would be a mistake/Shawn Vestal, SR. More here. (SR Photo: Jesse Tinsley: a junior at Washington State University, started life with teenage parents and dire poverty.)
Question: Well, are you glad that some of the dumb things you did as a kid don't crop up during job interviews?