Otter Skirts GOPrimary Debate
Gov. Butch Otter today declined to participate in the gubernatorial debate, which will feature GOP challengers Rex Rammell and Sharon Ullman, and will take place on May 18. Otter, in a letter from his campaign manager, Debbie Field, said he objected to criteria limiting the debate to those candidates who are actively campaigning and would prefer that all those listed on the ballot be present, though at an earlier GOP Lincoln Day event attended by candidates, when Otter was asked by Rammell if he’d debate him, Otter responded with a flat “No.” Click below to read Field’s letter/Betsy Russell, Eye On Boise. More here.
Question: How can concerned members of the public get a message to Otter and other heavily favored Repub office holders that refusal to debate opponents publicly is not OK?