DH: Bursting Bats Rain On Eco-Parade
It seems that when bats fly too close to windmills they enter an area of reduced air pressure and that causes their lungs to explode. Needless to say, that is not good for the bat. In a nation that spends billions to save all types of creatures n even toads n that does not bode well for windmills. And once again, I am not making this up. There is even a name for what happens when bats fly too close to windmills and blow up. Barotrauma. But there is good news. There is a solution. Scientists believe that if we simply turn the windmills off during low winds then bats will be safe. Alright. I get it. Everyone is wondering what we would do without scientists/Dan Hammes, St. Maries Gazette-Record. More here.
- Wednesday 5.6/Unequivocal Notion
- Statesman's woes/IdaBlue
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Question: What priority should the Obama administration put on the discovery and implementation of alternative forms on energy?