River Journal: So Poor I Sold Dirt
About all you hear these days is that it’s time to “tighten our belts.” The economy is in trouble and we’re in trouble right along with it so we all better get used to making do with less. Finally, my life experience will come in handy. I am used to being poor. The poorest part of my life, the time when I had the least amount of resources available to me, has to be when I found myself as both a new mother, and a divorced wife, back when Misty was about two months old. We lived in my car for a while, me, the baby, and a wild yellow cat. But I can’t remember anything especially funny about that time, which means there aren’t any good stories to tell, so instead I’m going to talk about the second-poorest time of my life, when I sold dirt/Trish Gannon, River Journal. More here.
- Will stimulus put us back on gravy train/Trish Gannon
- Dalton Gardens family recalls '59 Hebgen Lake quake/Dianna Winget
- Call him monsignor/Marianne Love
- Clear-cutting not evil/Michael White
- A seat in the House/Rep. George Eskridge
Question: What is the worst job you've ever done, in order to scrape by?