APhoto Of The Day — 3/5/09

Spring-breakers, mostly from Canada, enjoy themselves at the beach in the resort city of Cancun, Mexico, Wednesday. You write the cutline.(AP Photo/Israel Leal)
Top Cutlines:
- 1. DFO bends down to gently tell Mr. Patrick and the other CDA Press fellows, “If you want to bury your head in the sand, go ahead, but you are going at it all wrong” -- Cabbage Boy.
- 2. Canadian TV stations having massive layoffs, left these talking heads to look for new locations -- Herb Huseland.
- 3. The Marx brothers, Chico, Harpo, Groucho, and Zeppo say four heads are better than one, while brother Gummo says, that's fine, bros, stay stuck in the sand - I'm going after the one with the string bikini -- JeanieSpokane.
- HM: Charlie