DH: No Inspiration For Taxpayers
Over the last several weeks, especially during the legislative session, there has been considerable coverage of the tough decisions’ facing administrators at the Moscow school. We’ve all read about the terrible, horrendously ruinous budget cutting required at the austere institution. We know that thanks to the extensive reporting about the situation. And, thanks to more reporting, we learned something else about the University of Idaho budget. We learned the school has $112,500 to hire a Chief Inspiration Officer. No, we did not make that up. Well, except the part about hiring’ the Chief Inspiration Officer. What actually happened is the University of Idaho spent $112,500 for a part-time Chief Inspiration Officer. A really, really part-time Chief Inspiration Officer. As in the lady comes to Moscow less than two weeks a month for her pay/Dan Hammes, St. Maries Gazette Record. More here.
- What's the going rate for inspiration?/Idaho Statesman
- UIdaho is using its money wisely to invest in future/Provost Doug Baker, Statesman
Question: UI Provost Doug Baker defended the hiring of a chief inspiration officer by saying she is “ . . . helping us reshape our culture.” Feel free to respond to Provost Baker.