Most Shoplifted Book
A centuries-old Matthew-Tyndale Bible.
One nice thing about having my eldest son home for the holidays is that he's a fount of quirky web site knowledge. He showed me this article where I learned that the Bible is the most frequently shoplifted book.
"...But perhaps the most intriguing bookworm of all is the bibliokleptomaniac, or what we like to call the kleptobrainiac. These people are book thieves, the nerdiest outlaws this side of Hogwarts..."
Also ranking high on the list of purloined books:The Virgin Suicides, The Naked Lunch and On the Road.
Who steals books? “It’s mostly younger men stealing the books,” he told Rabb, “They think it’s an existential rite of passage to steal their homeboy.”
Feel free to purge your conscience before the start of the of the New Year. Have you ever shoplifted anything? If so, what?