Family Phil: 3 Investigators Tops Hardy Boys
Mary Otto/Washington Post, AP File Photo
Ann L. Hudak, assistant curator at the University of Maryland library, standing amid the new exhibit " Nancy Drew and Friends, which she organized in fall 2005.
However, the one I've remained most stubborn about my entire life is The Three Investigators versus The Hardy Boys. I came down squarely on the side of Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw, and Bob Andrews. To this day I still have my cherished collection of first edition Three Investigators novels. I've read most of them to my son, wanting to enjoy them all over again with him, and he's become as enthralled as I was with the three clever friends who solve ghostly mysteries. The problem is he's playing both sides and finds equal enjoyment in reading about those bumbling Hardy brothers. He has his own growing collection of Hardy Boys books, which I give disdainful glances whenever I'm in his room/Family Phil, A Family Runs Through It.
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