It’s My 2 Cents — Civility Revisited
I received the following message from a long-time blogosphere friend this week: "Dunno how talking smack about some of our favorite Press bloggers is consistent with the New Rules of the Convenant (commonly referred to as WWSD). Know that I am not calling on you to clean this up, too, but rather wondering with you, if fueling the fire with the ex-pats is consistent with the new watchword at HBO." The note arrived at a time when I was wondering about this, too.
I'm delighted with the new civility that has taken hold at Huckleberries Online (although, I know, a handful of you aren't). As this blog expands into other parts of Idaho, I feel that mini-flames, name-calling and one-upping one another is inconsistent with what I want to do here. I've deleted some posts. But not many. I appreciate that you're all trying to live by the new rules. It's hard to extend that civility to the Brand X bloggers who constantly criticize the SR/DFO/HBO/HBOers regularly. Some of them were driven off here during the flame wars of old. They retaliated by reforming at the Press and devoting themselves to venting against us. Most of them were valuable contributors here before they left. I'm responsible for allowing the environment that drove them off. Whether or not they ever come back, I'm responsible for setting the tone toward them here. I'm going to try my darndest to address Brand X bloggers, only if they make the news or are in the news -- like Spencer and Dan Gookin. I'm also going to ride shotgun over comments about them. If any of them return, they will be welcomed and protected from nasty comments here. I'm not saying that HBOers can't post about the Brand X bloggers in the comments threads. I'm simply saying that I'm not going to be part of the fun -- and I'll reign in things about the Brand X posters, if I feel they're out of line.
BTW, I've gotten enough feedback from the rank-and-file posters and blurkers to be convinced that most of you enjoy this new civility.