Wondering: “Red Dave” Is Really Pinkish
Wondering: Red Dave, I'd rather have you where we neos can watch you. I admit you are not truly red, just sort of pinkish like a tomato riping on the vine. (I thought to add like a ripe tomato before it gets rotten, but you, my dear, you will never get to that point. Any friend of Alice Rankin is a keeper in North Idaho. Perhaps you are a neo in disquise, sort of like a spy. I think you may have learned these tricks while watching Bullwinkle. (suppose you are too young to remember him). Seriously, I think before I judge, I need to key into more of your national politics...not just local.
DFO: Wondering; easy key re: my politics: state Repubs = monolithic and arrogant; national Demos = don't let them near the treasury or elect any of them to the presidency in time of crisis of war. national R's = don't share a public restroom with them.