Paine: SR ON A Wild Goose Chase?
Thomas Paine: Seems to me this is all a tempest in a teapot. After all the controversy surrounding the last set of e-mails it would boggle the mind to think that Mr. Douglas would once again use his e-mail for inappropriate purposes. He can't be that stupid. Of course, fighting the release of those e-mails simply fuels idle speculation. Mr. Douglas should probably just release them immediately. What if the e-mails are entirely innocent/harmless? Will the S-R publish this as a story, that they were leading us on a wild goose chase?
DFO: We don't know what those e-mails contain. But, as Editor Steve Smith explains here, we're pursuing them to see if Douglas used the power of his office to try to influence his son's case. He has shown extremely poor judgment in the past in using e-mails to flirt with hireling Marina Kalani. As hard as it is to believe that he'd be foolish enough to use them again on his son's behalf, it's something we can't discount out of hand. No matter how this turns out, it won't be a wild goose chase. We're simply following a tip. And we're paying through the nose in legal fees to protect your right to know.