Sunset Mag Spotlights Hudson’s Hamburgers
Item: 100 years of hamburgers: Hudsons Hamburgers celebrates a century of Huddyburgers in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho/Peter Fish, Sunset
Quotable Quote: By 11 the place is packed, and Todd's hands are moving like a Vegas blackjack dealer's, slicing onions and shaping patties and slapping them down on the Depression-era grill. It is time for me to try my double cheeseburger. And it is ... superb. In terms of food expertise, I'm no Raymond Sokolov, but the entire bun-cheese-burger package seems perfect in its simplicity, like a Shaker chair. When I ask Todd Hudson the secret of the Huddyburger, he modestly credits his beef supplier. But surely his dexterity at the grill counts for something, not to mention the spirits of past Hudsons looking over his shoulder.
Question: When did you last eat a hamburger at Hudson's?