Positive Change Group: Tired Of CDA Chicken Littleism
The City of Coeur d’Alene has been the target of pointed criticism in recent weeks and months. While we think constructive criticism is an essential component of any democracy, we’re frankly tired of the barrage of nay-saying and insinuation. Like Chicken Little in the children’s story, the perpetual critics are using every means possible to convince us that “the sky is falling!” So in response to the drumbeat of negativity, we’d like to emphasize some of the positive things we see happening in Coeur d’Alene today. For a refreshing change, let’s talk about what’s going right for our community!/Citizens for Positive Change steering committee (Ruth Pratt, Bill Drake, Mary Lou Reed, Barb Bradley, Doug Fagerness, Dr. Steve Moss).
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Question: Is Coeur d'Alene going in a positive direction? Or a negative one?