Huckleberries Best of the Local Blogs — 10/22/07
Kerri Thoreson/OnLocation North Idaho
"Norwegian Heritage Day at the Harold Haarfager Lodge of the Sons of Norway in Post Falls celebrated the local group's one year anniversary at their new location," sez Kerri Thoreson/OnLocation North Idaho here.
Silver Valley Girl has started on the HBO Book of the Month, "Eat, Pray, Love," by Elizabeth Gilbert here. Have you?
1. With video and word, Pecky Cox/As The Lake Churns pays homage to the late Dwight Pool, who started the Spokane Falls Community College football program and had a cabin on the lake here.
*In "Leveling the playing field," Mari/Dogwalk Musings observes: "I have found, on the positive side, that bloggers are pretty much wysiwyg (what you see is what you get). That has been my experience on the local level anyway. When I've met fellow bloggers who's work I enjoy, I find that I also like the person." Click here.
*"When one is attempting to write a story, one must take all criticisms from one’s husband with a grain of salt," posts Kristi/Here In Idaho. "One’s husband is very smart and wouldn’t criticize flippantly. One must not be so sensitive." Click here.
*"Dirty House Friends," sez Katrina/Notes on a Napkin are the ones that can be invited over at any time to watch "Phantom of the Opera" -- even though they've already watched it with you six times here.
*Being the enunciator at a Spelling Bee for fourth-graders isn't easy when you're required to provide a definition and sentence context for "thong," writes Marianne/Slight Detour here.
Blog Nos (for week of 10/14-20): 46,913 page-views and 27,604 unique views.
Meanwhile, Family Phil recommends a book with "Dadditude" here; Arch Druid parts company with Leonard Pitts here; Sweet Herb observes that retirement is wearing him out here; Cis turns back the clock with song here; JeanC's collecting rain water here; and Morialekafa forces himself to watch GOPrez debate here.