HBO’s Best of the North Idaho Blogs — 11/30/07
MeghannC/The Skinny On North Idaho
Meghann & Taryn/The Skinny On North Idaho paused to snap this photo of Bayview on Lake Pend Oreille during a trip to see Sweet & Sour Herb.
*Sara Anderson/F-Words rolls her eyes when talk turns to power panties, stiletto heels and other tight-fitting clothing that's painful and humiliating here.
*Contrary to her father's advice, Marianne Love/Slight Detour sez, there are times when you do accept wooden nickels and stick beans up your nose here.
*Our Witch With A Gun gives the Moscow mayor a piece of her mind for pushing to ban weapons in public buildings and deny Idahoans their Second Amendment rights here.
*In Sparky's Notes, Sparky tries to decide which Coeur d'Alene at 4 o'clock in the morning is real -- the frenzied Black Friday one or the one that was dolled up for "Good Morning America" here.
*Thanks to a benevolent elementary school secretary, the excuse Katrina/Notes On A Napkin gave for her daughter's absence from school worked, although the girl was "not exactly sick" here.
HBO Numbers: 9149 page-views, 5386 unique views.
Meanwhile, A Butterfly Moment counts her blessings here; Arch Druid opines on the news here; Cis is tired of government protection here; Frum Helen Back gets good news on the health front for a beloved grandchild here; ThomG proclaims, "the eagles have landed," here; and Un-Muted Mumblings searches for answers, comes up with common sense here.