Bayview Herb Rides Out Storm w/News Cap On
Item: North Idaho storm knocks out power, wreaks damage in Kootenai, Bonner counties/Spokesman-Review
Bayview Herb: Power back on in Bayview at about 8:00 pm. I was in Athol at the American Legion when the storm hit.I phoned Dave to tell him that several of us had seen a funnel cloud, going from West to east paralleling Hwy 54. I pulled my car around back of the legion to avoid what I saw as a small funnel cloud picking up debris and still paralleling the highway. When the brunt of the storm passed, I left, primarily to check out the report of an injury at Farregut State Park. Thankfully, it was a false alarm. When I reached Bayview, realizing that the back end of the storm was aproaching. It passed just south of us drenching us with heavey rain. When It was all over, the local kids went out onto the docks to fish. One six year old fished a street sign out of the waterway between JD's and the Captain's Wheel. His Mom brought it up to the yard. It had been picked up by the twister, carried 300 feet and left a perfect 4x4 hole behind. The young man's picture will be featured in "Your Voice" in the near future.
DFO: Here's another example of how the online world has an advantage over the print world and even the "film-at-11" types. The storm hit when Herb was in Athol. He saw the funnel spout drop down nearby. Then, on the way back to Bayview, he checked out the rumor that a tree had hit a woman in the Thimbleberry Campground at Farragut. Finally, he returns to Bayview and lets us know about the power being restored and the interesting little incident of the twister and the street sign. In the blogosphere, everyone can become a reporter.
Question: Did you suffer any damage from the storm? Or observe any damage?