Christie Explains $270K for Vice Principals
Eagle Eye: Can anyone in the know explain the 270K for two part time vice principals? Christy Wood? Amend? I am trying to be an informed voter.
Christie Wood: Eagle Eye thank you for an opportunity to address this. I am on my lunch hour so I can address this right now but any follow up will need to be tonight when I am home. The 270k is for 2 years. That breaks down to 67k per year and approx 22k of that is for benefits, leaving approx 40to45k for salary depending upon where the person will fall on the salary schedule based on years of experience.VPs have to have Masters Degrees and certifications as administrators. We currently have a part time Vice Principal at Hayden Meadows and Skyway. Those buildings have reached 600 students in population. Atlas and Ramsey have also reached that status. We need to add additonal VP's when our population is that large. The VP is the primary person who handles student discipline, student safety,teacher evaluations, curriculum scheduling ,and many other duties assigned to them by the building principal. Adding additional administrators, secretaries, janitorial staff etc. becomes nescessary as the population increases. We put every dollar possible into classroom instruction, but some dollars have to be used for administrators. Our buildings cannot function without administrators. I hope I have answered your questions to your satisfaction and you will support the levy by voting yes twice.
DFO: A small correction, Christie: vote twice for the levies and once each (for those who can) for Christie Wood and Vern Newby.