HBO’s Best of the Local Blogs (Abbreviated) — 5/11/07
Marianne Love/Slight Detour included this photo among the "faces of 2007 Idaho State Forestry Contest: 25 years at the home of Ray and Fairy Delay in Careywood." If you look closely, you'll recognize SR photographer Jesse Tinsley (left) and SReporter Jim Hagengruber (center) on assignment. More photos here.
*Pecky Cox/As The Lake Churns reports that the historic Kaniksu resort is going to be scraped to make way for 30 condominiums on Priest Lake here.
*Mommy Dearest/BrodH20 and MamaJD are among those who have been tagged to share tidbits about themselves here and here.
*KaleJ/UnMuted Mumblings sez media moguls are out of touch with polls that reveal 83% of the nation's parents want their children to avoid sex until marriage and the schools to reinforce that message here.
Meanwhile, A Butterly Moment was surprised to discover her son thinks she's rich here, Mrs. Mac Energetic explains why she's stewing here, Family Phil Jr. scores his first soccer goal here, Bayview Herb declares The Goo innocent of cake overeating here, and Notes on a Napkin is holding out for a hero here.