HBO Interviews Jack Riggs re: Kroc Center Fund-raising
DFO: How much more is needed to be raised?
Jack Riggs: As of today, we are at $4.8M (of $6M needed).
DFO: Do you really need $6M to break ground?
JR: As co-chair of capital campaign committee, there's no question about it. The Salvation Army has made it clear that if we don't cross $6M number, they would delay the project until we did.
DFO: What would happen if you didn't make it until end of July?
JR: We're concerned we'll lose the building window to get footings in the ground. Swings in the economy, fuel prices and steel prices can hurt big projects. Some projects that were once a go have been canceled altogether. We could lose the Kroc Center project with a delay.
DFO: Do you have indications that you're going to be successful in raising the last $1M in three weeks.
JR: I'm very optimistic; we have numerous good rumors about significant pledges. Pledges can be over 5 years. In the past, we had significant pledges fall through. We need to get the pledges in writing (to be accepted by the Salvation Army auditors). Important for us to confirm verbal pledges and be audit proof that first week of June.