DOTC: Noisy Minority Can’t Understand Resistance
I've observed a certain dynamic over the years serving in different public positions that I think may apply in this case. It usually involves a person or a small group of people who are absolutely convinced they are right and all the other thoughtful and responsible people they disagree with are wrong. Not just wrong, but dead wrong. In fact, the "truth" is so clear to the person or small group that those who disagree obviously must not be listening. So like some trying to communicate to an elderly person or someone they think is slow or can't understand English, they keep trying different variations of the same theme but usually a bit louder each time. What they seem to be unable to grasp is that the other people hear them just fine, but they just don't agree with them. Certainly the minority opinion can be right but often it's not and with good and logical reasons. But sometimes folks like this just can't accept they don't have a corner on the objective truth. My wife and I used to joke this dynamic is the same one often used by our kids to try and wear us down when they ask for something and we don't give it too them. They keep trying and trying because they just can't believe we are so "dense" that we just can't "get it" from their point of view. Oh, we get it just fine, we hear them just fine, but we just don't agree with them and that is our right.
Dan of the County