Yes, MamaJD, Erika Grubbs Has Resigned
MamaJD: My rumor mill says that Erika Grubbs resigned. I have been looking for independent verification but am not able to find any. I believe that Brand X reported the story in today's print issue. Brand X still has not realized the value in posting stories in a timely fashion so it is not available online. Given the status of things, I doubt the Spokesman would have been on Erika's priority call list to announce this.
DFO: I can't believe the Press buried Marc Stewart's skewp about this today and then didn't provide a link. Good story. Deserved better play than Page A4. In a letter of resignation, Grubbs hinted that her staff has been unfairly criticized. And Commissioner Rick Currie added that the media had unfairly criticized her for the county's handling of the case involving former Chief Deputy Prosecutor Rick Baughman and illicit e-mails.
I don't know Dave. Grubbs won't return our calls, the county HR folks are dodging us and Rick Currie apparently doesn't think this is any of the public's business, why a county official suddenly quits without explanation. Maybe burying it inside the paper is the right call. It really must be a terrible burden these public officials endure, having to answer to the public and explain their mistakes -- Idaho Ed.