Art Anderson: You Know You’re from Mullan, If …
1. You have been to Rocky Point at least once (at least if you are a guy) and hoped the rocks you rolled down the hill didn’t hit any passing cars.
2. You were there and watched the Morning Mine burn down.
3. You know that the exterior spaces created by the oddly-shaped old grade school were called the “dungeons.”
4. You remember it took at least ½ hour to drive the seven miles of pot-holey, winding, narrow, two lane road to Wallace. More time if you had to dodge moose.
5. You were surprised when you got a little older and discovered that “Finn Gulch” and “Knob Hill” weren’t real place names.
6. You remember when the Lucky Friday mine wasn’t much more than a dog hole.
7. You remember when Lookout ski hill had rope towlines.
8. You not only have been there, but you know that No. 5 refers to a mine tunnel exit above Mullan from the Star mine in Burke.
9. You could judge the temperature of the newly replaced water in the unheated Mullan pool by its degree of murkiness.
10. You know where “Old Baldy” is.