Meghann Cuniff's story re: the Kroc Center ground breaking this p.m. follows:Dick Haugen cell phone photoAn old gravel pit near a busy Coeur d’Alene road will be transformed over the next 18 months into a world class community center – the first of its kind…
Kerri Thoreson/OnLocation North Idaho spotted this sign at the Hauser Lake Resort here.*Katrina/Notes on a Napkin lists her top 5 favorite local eateries -- Hudsons, Takara, Tomato Street, Mongolian Grill and Costco -- here.*Nic/Rants, Raves and Random Thoughts theorizes that God made a baby's cry…
J. Scott Applewhite/AP PhotoA watermelon explodes in a dramatic demonstration of the power of holiday fireworks, staged by the Consumer Products Safety Commission near the National Mall in Washington this morning. The CPSC estimates that in 2006 about 9,200 people were treated in hospital emergency…
Seven years have passed since Vancouver native Rob Ramsay pitched in the major leagues, but life goes on — thankfully. “I feel great; no problems,” Ramsay said over lunch at a restaurant near his Coeur d’Alene home. There was a time when no one knew…
Despite the memory lapses evident in his congressional testimony, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales remembered to show up in Spokane today to tout an anti-gang initiative. You can read about the story here.Question: If you were in charge of an important project, would you want Gonzales…
Jesse Tinsley/Spokesman-ReviewIdaho Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter and representatives of police agencies and Lamar Outdoor Advertising stand on a stage Wednesday, today at the site of a new digital billboard on Seltice Way at Huetter Rd. at a press conference where Lamar representatives announced that they…
Here's the lead to Thursday's Hot Potatoes column ...Dunno who deserves the biggest Hot Potato in the judicial two-step that will land scared-straight Kendra Goodrick of Hayden back in prison – 1st District Judge John Mitchell for overstepping his authority. The Kootenai County Prosecutor’s Office…
Item: Author: 'Pottermania' spells trouble: Warns real occultism permeates popular children's books/WorldNetDailyQuestion: What do you think of claims Harry Potter is hooking young people into witchcraft? 1. I agree, and it's a good thing since it's the best life philosophy 2. Nonsense, stories like 'Narnia'…
Joseph Frederick should be proud of himself. He wanted attention. He wanted to be outrageous. Mission accomplished. He also wanted to take his First Amendment crusade all the way to the United States Supreme Court. And so he did. On behalf of every American who…
Item: Our View: NIC on right path: College, business community working together/Spokesman-Review editorialMore Info: The tension between the school and the business people is unhealthy, but there's encouraging news. About 20 key business people, plus the mayors of Post Falls and Coeur d'Alene, have formed…
MamaJD (to Rainbow Sparkle Pony Angel): I would like to say as your friend for the past handful of months, I am noticing some crankiness. Whether you are all rainbows one day or sparkles the next, the Pony that lashes out simply to pick a…
In the You Can't Keep A Good Man Down Department, Dick Haugen will make his official return to North Idaho on Monday, July 9. Dick, the "Voice of North Idaho" for years with KVNI-AM radio, will begin an interview show from Coeur d'Alene each weekday…
D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.