Hat Tip — to Those Who Saved NIC Beach
Item: A saving moment for CdA: NIC purchased beach 30 years ago/Meghann Cuniff, Spokesman-Review
Kathy Plonka/Spokesman-Review
Terrell Elgee-Sanders, 7, of Spokane enjoys the cool waters of the Spokane River at NIC Beach in Coeur d'Alene on Thursday. The Coeur d'Alene Tribe and North Idaho College will celebrate the 30-year anniversary of the college's purchase of its beach, which is now called by the Indian name Yap-Keehn-Um Beach (gathering spot).
DFO: Monster Hat Tip to those who had the foresight 30 years ago to preserve Yap-Keehn-Um Beach for the publish. And another monster Hat Tip today for the visionaries who are working with waterfront developers to gain public access now. Saaalute.