More Kalani-Douglas E-Mails Released Friday
Item: 600 More Kalani-Douglas e-mails reveal more sexual talk, jabs at district judge/Erica Curless & Taryn Brodwater, Spokesman-Review
Read e-mails for yourself here.
Kootenai County Prosecutor Bill Douglas blames the demise of the county's juvenile drug court on the judge, politics and "unlawful leaks" to the media, according to e-mails released Friday to The Spokesman-Review. The exchanges between Douglas and then-drug court administrator Marina Kalani also include more sexually charged conversations, pet names and insight into the internal strife leading to the collapse of the drug court two years ago. In a March 11, 2005, e-mail, Douglas wrote that the program was terminated by Magistrate Benjamin Simpson because Simpson was "venting his personal problems on the team members," especially Kalani, and that the judge quit prematurely to make a statement. "Know that I am the target, and this smacks of politics," Douglas wrote to Kalani. "Unfortunately, public misperceptions have been created by one or two small, petty men."
DFO: This should be the last of the e-mails. Obviously, something's amiss in the prosecutor's office, if this kind of banter goes on between the boss and an underling. The Baughman case and the pending harassment and tort claims underscore that notion. The continuing silence of the local Republicans re: this matter shouts volumes.
Question: In the end, are you glad you found out what was in the e-mails Douglas and Kalani fought so hard to keep private?