Toadman: Going Overboard w/Piercings
Toadman: Now, I do tend to agree that people are going a little overboard with the whole piercing thing. I'm fine with everyone and their dog getting their ears pierced...I've even considered it. I'm even pretty ok with the whole eyebrow thing. The lip thing is a little disorienting when you're talking to someone who has this type, however. I find it distracting. The tongue pierce...well, we all know what that's about...and, well...I suppose it could enhance that sort of thing, but I'll never know. But, when it comes to genitals, you can count me needs to be poking around down there with anything sharp.. nope..I mean, people can do what they want, I just don't want to know about it...thanks.
DFO: My son went through a piercing phase. We wouldn't let him get piercings while he was living with us. But he got them as soon as he went away to college. Eyebrow. Both ears. A bar through the cartilage in the upper part of one ear. I told him that he looked like crap one day, but that I'd always love him. I remember my dad saying something similar to me when I visited him from college, wearing long hair and a beard. The eyebrow ring worked its way out. Seth shed the ear piercings when he began shadowing a doctor around as part of his medical school. Today, he's fairly normal, except for his growing inside orchid garden.