AM Hucks: Counting Ways to (Heart) The Duane
At Huckleberries Online, an up-and-coming biz type, pseudonymed CoeurGenX, asked about my 'tude about Duane Hagadone recently. Before I could respond, my online buddy OrangeTV interjected: "Asking DFO to quit the Haga-bashing is like asking the rainbow trout please not to swim, or a peregrine falcon please not to flap its wings and fly. This is DFO's territory and his anti-H ways are just part of its nature." I appreciate OTV's defense. But I'd like to point out that there are things I appreciate about my old boss: 1. The Coeur d'Alene Resort is much better than old North Shore. 2. His removal of old Templin's restaurant and nearby bungalows opened up Independence Point. 3. Public access to boardwalk. 4. Cleaned up old Rutledge mill site. 5. Jobs Plus visionary and co-founder. 6. Biggest private employer in town. 7. Has left eastern end of Sanders Beach open, so far. 8. Waterfront properties have added considerable revenue for taxing district coffers. 9. Downtown garden idea was a decent concept until he pushed to close too many blocks. 10. Always doing something that's Huckleberries worthy. Now, I'll turn the remainder of HBO today over to Onset, who has this to say about the new Coeur d'Alene Resort carpet: "Whoever decided on the 'seasick' carpet in the resort should be fired. If Duane picked the carpet he should fire himself." What? You thought I'd gone soft?