B&R: Should Be Good CdA Council Show Tonight
B&R: Oh, Spensahhh! I hope you’re planning on attending the Cd’A City Council meeting tonight where the people who actually _know_ what they’re talking about will give an update on the Kroc Community Center. Perhaps all your questions will be answered, but then again, one can only hope ...
DFO: Indeed, tonight's the night to tune into Woody TV, if you have questions about the Kroc Center. Mayor Sandi Bloem and the City Council have invited Kroc Center/Salvation Army experts to discuss the various conspiracy theories circulated by opponents. WoodyTV -- nicknamed after public TV spear carrier/Councilman Woody McEvers -- will begin the broadcast at 6 o'clock. I can't imagine that Councilwoman Dixie Reid will remain quiet after being the target of the Dan Gookin attack Google video last week. I suspect all this will take place at the start of the meeting. I'll certainly be tuned in.