Twin Falls: The Hub of the Magic Valley
Twin Falls is taking some note, amid its substantial growth, of a population mark estimates now project: It is over 40,000 people. The Times News there is reflecting a little on that - is it good or bad, and does it make the community more a large small town or a smallish city? What it is, of course, is a regional center - the main economic, cultural and governmental center of a large area, dominant about half way to Boise to west or Pocatello to the east - each of those cities being more than 100 miles away. It is, in other words, the center of the Magic Valley, the closest thing to an urban hub. It fits much the same role as a number of mostly larger cities around the Northwest - Yakima, Wenatchee, Idaho Falls, and maybe Bend or Walla Walla come to mind -- Randy Stapilus/Ridenbaugh Press.
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DFO: For me, Twin Falls will always be the place I almost lived. In 1982, I had accepted a job as regional editor of the Twin Falls Times-News when the Lewiston Morning Tribune called with a better pay and job offer. Twin Falls refused to sweeten the pay deal. In fact, the editor got mad that I even suggested that he add $25 per week to his offer. So I ended up in Lewiston -- and thoroughly enjoyed my two years there.
Question: Have you ever been to Twin Falls?