HBO’s Best of the Friends’ Blogs — 7/5/07
Toadman/Synaptic Disunion
Toad wonders: "I've lived (in Spokane) for almost four years and have seen this sign just off Northwest Blvd. in Spokane since we moved here. It's always been confusing to me, and a little humorous. Can anyone explain this to me?"
*JBelle/The 'Kan EWA posts a letter to his family in Germany from her cousin, a new immigrant in this country in June 1846, here.
*Idaho Escapee/Atmospheric Ruminations not only considers Dubya to be the worst prez ever, but he has a photoshopped stamp to go along with his contention -- along with a photoshopped picture of the nudist wranglers down Worley way here.
*"I haven't seen Linda Davis since that night at Prichard Days," writes Raymond Pert/Kellogg Bloggin'. "I have and always will consider her the Mother Teresa of kindness for how she helped me. But that's the end of the story. Let me move to the beginning." For the rest of the story, click here.
*Seems someone forgot to tell Marmitetoasty/Twaddle that you shouldn't open the door to a washing machine while it's loading, unless you plan to do a lot of mopping up here.
*"Celebrating Independence Day to me is awesome. I really enjoy the fact that we have a day where we can celebrate the fact that each other has the right to have a different opinion and voice that opinion without fear," sez The Perambulator here.
Meanwhile, Inland Empire Girl presents the Fourth of July in her small E. Washington town here, PDX Pup is bracing for hot weather here, Red State Rebels is peeved that Idaho D's get no respect here, Spokompton writes an open letter to President Bush here, and Wayward Episcopalian keeps us updated on the situation in Louisiana here.