HBO’s Best of the Local Blogs — 7/2/07
Annie Love/All You Need Is Love seems to be sitting on top of the world in this photo on the Slight Detour blog of Marianne Love here.
*Silver Valley Girl will be celebrating here 44th birthday tomorrow. So she reminisces about events and circumstances surrounding her birth here.
*Bayview Herb provides all you want to know about this weekend's Bayview Daze and more on his Bay Views blog here.
*Family Phil/A Family Runs Through It explains why he loves living in Coeur d'Alene here.
*Pecky Cox/As The Lake Churns reports with fingers crossed that Northern Lights will have the lights back on in her area by late Tuesday night and provides a 30-second video clip of the storm on Priest Lake here.
*Scurvey Jake gives thumbs up to The Office, a newer restaurant in Post Falls that features decent bistro portions and higher prices here.
Meanwhile, Shinie enjoys her 10-year reunion here, The Otis already is taking emergency measures on the Nautiyacht here, Dr. J looks at ER visits Top 10 here, Cis has a name for the big wind here, F-Words shares thoughts about Grant 2006 campaign here, Idaho Native discovers her brother is going to Iraq here, JeanC shows off her new fish tank here, John Rook is keeping tabs on singer Jimmie Rodgers' medical condition here, Live Love Laugh Hope provides another update on Brandon Adam's condition here, Psychobabbles is studing Japanese-American funeral customs here, Nic celebrates his awesome shirts here, Road King's happy with his paint job here, Un-Muted Mumblings reviews "King Arthur" here, Whitecaps points out that U.S. attorneys are first responders, too, here, and Mrs. Mac Energetic loses and finds her dog here.