Inside Huckleberries/Best O’ Blogs — 9/29/05
Phil Corless illustration
*Top news for regular HBO readers today, of course, is the imminent return of CDADave with his new blog, Thin Air, which will feature a mix of his random thoughts and his terrific Wayback Machine. Dave'll start again Monday. Meanwhile, he explains the need for a hiatus in "I Went, I Saw, I Returned" here. (BTW, you'll notice that I already have a link set up for his new blog under North Idaho Blogroll).
*Phil Corless/A Family Runs Through concluded his fifth and final online column for the San Diego Reader in style here. And talks about his experience in writing the columns here.
*If you ever wanted a shot at winning the daily cutline contest, now's the time. Punster extraordinaire John Austin has volunteered to do grant work or accounting for a southern Economic Development Corporation struggling to draw down the billions in federal aid appropriated for hurricane relief. Afterward, he may go to Florida for R'nR.
*Dan of the County (a.k.a. Kootenai County Clerk Dan English) invites HBO readers to join him at noon tomorrow at the Iron Horse when he introduces his new organization Idaho Democrats for Life to the K-County Demos. Dunno if I can pull away to be there. But Dan's presentation to the Demo lunch club should be very interesting.
*Don't forget to check out the video by Sandpoint's Donna Deshon that helped land her on "Good Morning America" where she won a trivia contest to be dubbed "Desperate Housewives" Biggest Fan here.
*For those keeping score at home, HBO pageviews for September were sitting on 116,922 yesterday afternoon, which means the blog could break the monthly record set in May of 122,780. Nice way to begin the school year.