Headlines @ Closin’ Time — 9/22/05
*Federal screeners skip work in Houston: Exasperated mayor informs fleeing residents of long delays at airports/WorldNetDaily -- When the going gets rough, the chicken-hearted head for the hills. No Medal of Honor winners here. Photo: Scene at Houston's Bush Intercontinental Airport today.
*Rita's rain begins falling in New Orleans: Forecasts of between 3-5 inches raises flood fears/Associated Press -- Don't think there's much singing in the rain going along the Gulf Coast. What did those poor people do to deserve this one-two punch?
*Survivors: It was guns that saved us: Hurricane 'a breeze compared with the crime and terror that followed'/Reuters -- Indeed, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
*John Wayne Bobbitt in domestic dispute: Man whose wife cut off manhood arrested for battery on current wife/Associated Press -- Not much left there to cut off.
*Hillary announces she will vote no on Roberts: "A matter of tremendous consequence"/The Drudge Report -- Even though I trust Hillary about as far as I can throw Slick, I like her better than Teddy, Feinstein, Durbin and the rest of the Bar Scene from Star Wars.