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Huckleberries Online

Peanut Gallery (Defending Post Falls, Athol)

re: comment by The Edge here discussing future plans by Duane Hagadone: “The sewer goes to Post Falls and the college moves to Athol (kind of the same place when you think about it)”.

Dave, in reference to the comment from the “Edge” above, what does he mean? I don’t seem to understand it. It is true that Post Falls and Athol have some things in common:

--We are the only two Cities in Idaho with American Legion Posts that have Club licenses.
--Both Cities are run by responsible Councils who weigh all sides of an issue.
--The citizens of Post Falls and Athol speak out on issues and use their real names.
--Most people can spell the names of both Cities correctly on the first try.
--Neither Athol nor Post Falls have a true “downtown” that anyone is trying to improve or change.
--Post Falls and Athol citizens seem to respect the ideas of others, even if they don’t agree.
--Athol and Post Falls seem to manage very well with only 4 paid Council members and 1 Mayor.
--Local Developers receive cooperation to achieve their goals with the best interest of both parties being considered.
--The phones work at both City Halls. (I know this was a cheap shot, but I couldn’t resist)

I hope the “edge” did not mean we were Cities of less value and was taking a cheap shot at our communities, cloaked by a pen name that you support and protect. I hope the “Edge” will have the courage to come out of the closet someday.

Cliff Hayes
Post Falls

DFO: Ah, I don't presume to speak for The Edge. We'll have to wait to see what he meant.

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.