Crushing on tiny travel trailers

When it comes to pull-behinds, we're always on the lookout for the tiny variety. They're just so darned cute.
But are they practical? Especially if you're on the road a lot. Probably not.
Still, when we see one that's novel, we like to do a drive by photo session. In pre-pandemic days, we might have asked a few questions and been invited to poke our heads inside to take a look. Now, we do our looking online.
We love the made-in-Texas Casita, but this cutie pie we recently spied in Larabee State Park was like sighting a rare bird. We'd never seen one like it before. And there was no overt branding so not really sure where it came from.
This much is certain: Interest in tiny trailers continues to grow.
Have a hot tip on a teeny trailer you think we need to check out? Please give us a heads up at
In the meantime, we've just asked to join the Facebook group called PNW Travel Trailers.