Bishop hits the Windy City
Spokane Bishop Blase Cupich, perhaps some of the best evidence yet of the “Francis effect,” has arrived in his new home - Chicago. Cupich, reportedly more moderate than his Chicago predecessor Archbishop George, leaves a diocese of 100,000 Catholics to take on the Chicago Archdiocese with its 2.2 million Catholics. An interesting cultural adjustment.
As Spokane’s bishop, Cupich focused attention on social justice issues and not issues of – as some call it – “pelvic theology” (abortion, same-sex marriage). He seems a leader of conscience and kindness.
For American Catholics, the future offers mystery, but with Archbishop Cupich in Chicago, perhaps some winds will shift from a cold, dogmatic squall to a warmer, more pastoral, breeze.
(S-R photo: Blase Cupich, the newly appointed archbishop of Chicago, greets the media in Chicago.)