Friday night ABC airs a year-long look into what children do when they are taught not to touch guns when they find them. How do the children act when their curiosity encounters a firearm? What should parents do to protect their kids? One in three…
As a jury deliberates, Amanda Knox awaits what theater will come from Florence. Her attorney, Carlo Dalla Vedova, cited ancient Florentine writer Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy when commenting about the Italian police who arrested Amanda. Police did not follow procedure and lied to her -…
…do my duty to God and my country, to help other people at all times and obey the Girl Scout laws.” That’s how I remember the pledge, anyway. And I sold Girl Scout cookies – for 50 cents a box. Thin mints, peanut butter, shortbread…
More than 7,000 children are hospitalized or killed by guns each year. Almost daily we hear of shootings at a mall, a college, an elementary school and most often a family’s home. Former congresswoman Gabby Giffords will testify in Olympia on Tuesday in support of…
Mireille Guiliano has written an interesting book on attitudes toward getting older: “French Women Don’t Get Facelifts.” Author of “French Women Don’t Get Fat,” Guiliano asserts that our obsession with looking younger does not serve us well. Our obsession does serve the diet, cosmetic and…
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has released information on available resources to help addicted teens as well as identify those teens at risk for substance abuse. Teens present with unique circumstances and needs when it comes to treatment and recovery since they tend…
Life offers profound moments and we wish to express gratitude to those who assist us. Sometimes the moments are simple gestures, but sometimes they are life-changing. For Marsha Kreuzman the moment was life-saving. Joe Barbella was part of the U.S. 11th Armored Division who liberated…
Amanda’s life must seem like an intermittent nightmare. Another round of decisions about her guilt or innocence awaits. Murder charges, again, and slander, too, will be reviewed. The prosecutor wants to increase time for the slander conviction from three years to six years. Amanda and…
In 1980, the United States (CIA) collaborated with Canadian officials to exit six Americans hiding in Iran. The six left the U.S. Embassy before the militant students who took over the building discovered them. The story was depicted in the film Argo. Kenneth Bae, a…
His life was characterized by vision and courage. We remember his legacy as one of non-violence and determination. While his life ended in violence, his legacy of peace continues to inspire generations. He told us, “I have a dream…” and so we continue to honor…
The shortage of drugs commonly used in executions has caught the attention of lawmakers. Two states – Wyoming and Missouri – are introducing legislation that suggest reviving firing squads as the method of capital punishment for their states. Missouri state Rep. Rick Brattin, a Republican,…
A Japanese soldier who refused to surrender after WWII has died. Refusing to surrender is not that unusual, but refusing – and hiding in the Philippine jungle – for 29 years is. Hiroo Onada was not the only soldier to stay hidden. The several dozen…
Yet another study on alcohol and its effects on the brain: heavy drinking among men in mid-life accelerates the rate of memory loss. The journal Neurology reports that men during mid-life who drink more than 2.5 drinks daily may speed their rate of memory loss…
A story so sad it must be told – to prevent a similar tragedy. Two children – brother and sister – died inside a hope chest. They could not get out. The chest, manufactured by Lane furniture, could not be opened from the inside. In…
How do we get young people through school? Seems like the wrong question. How can we make learning authentic, interesting and meaningful? Instead of getting kids through school, we need to look at education and figure out how we teach those who learn differently, whose…
Always fun to watch the Golden Globe awards. And this year a few golden-age people won awards. Jon Voight was acknowledged for his supporting role in “Ray Donovan” while Michael Douglas won the award for playing Liberace in “Behind the Candelabra.” Jacqueline Bissett took home…
With all the football hype this weekend, we often forget these idolized men are just that – men. But one of the Seahawks, Russell Wilson, is an exceptional man of generous spirit. Wilson and his wife, Ashton, visit Seattle Children’s Hospital each Tuesday and spend…
We often ask that question when others are baffled about decisions. And there may be more wisdom and influence living in that gut than we realize. As a college sophomore, Elaine Hsiao learned in microbiology class one’s gut holds almost twice our brain weight in…
With all the political posturing over new healthcare laws, consumers may be easily confused as to what benefits they receive. The new laws offer good news for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
When I enter my local coffee shop, the barista says, “Good morning, Cathy! What would you like to drink?” I realize knowing a customer’s name is good business practice - and it works. I like how I feel when someone addresses me by my name.…
He asked me to marry him 34 years ago today. We were so young, but thought we were quite prepared: mature, responsible and ready. Ha! He did not arrange for a flash mob or jumbo tron or media presentation. I was not feeling well; he…
Well, if you are in Minnesota today – it is more than cold. Those citizens in my home state are in serious “weather lockdown” as the air hit 56 degrees below zero (windchill factored in). So they must stay inside, close curtains and drapes to…
Seems even Roman Catholic sisters screen their calls occasionally – or are they otherwise engaged in spiritual reflection, chores, maybe watching Downton Abbey? I would have some method of caller identification, if I knew Pope Francis was prone to frequent dialing. After all, if the…
The show returns tonight! The long wait is over to see how Lady Mary fares as a new mother – and widow. What will Edith do about that married man pursuing her? And the property, always threatened by circumstance, will it remain with the family?…
We listened to their music as we drove home from school or cleaned our rooms or feigned finishing algebra homework – or kissed our first sweethearts. The Everly Brothers’ smooth voices eased some of our adolescent days with their cool crooning; music that remains imprinted…
Spokesman-Review features writer Rebecca Nappi, along with writer Catherine Johnston of Olympia, Wash., discuss here issues facing aging boomers, seniors and those experiencing serious illness, dying, death and other forms of loss.