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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Super Bowl!

Seahawks running back Derrick Coleman scored a touchdown and had two tackles on special teams on Thursday in San Diego. (Associated Press)
Seahawks running back Derrick Coleman scored a touchdown and had two tackles on special teams on Thursday in San Diego. (Associated Press)

Let the game begin! So fun to have the home team in the big game.

That said, I have little hope. Not because the Seahawks lack ability to win; no, I just don’t want to be disappointed again. And again. And again.

I grew up in Minnesota where the Minnesota Vikings reign as the home team. My dad had tickets on the 50-yard line and we would bundle up in ridiculous, but warm clothing, arm ourselves with thermoses of hot cocoa and watch those guys run the field at Met Stadium, a stadium with wind, snow, sleet - no roof.  But the Vikings made it to the Super Bowl four times – and lost four times. They tie with Buffalo for that distinction.

Today, I will watch for the guys who have won football games and made a difference in the lives of others. Russell Wilson, sweet man, who visits children each week at the hospital. And Derrick Coleman, who inspires those with hearing loss: as the first legally deaf player in the NFL, he tells people "don’t let a disability stand in the way of your dreams.” And he reaches out to children who share his hearing challenges.

Big dreams. Good men.  Kind hearts. A winning team.

(S-R archive photo)

Spokesman-Review features writer Rebecca Nappi, along with writer Catherine Johnston of Olympia, Wash., discuss here issues facing aging boomers, seniors and those experiencing serious illness, dying, death and other forms of loss.