Birthday wishes
I am 59 years old today. I wrote a reflection when I turned 49 about all the birthdays I had ending in “9” and how good they were. A happy childhood at 9 –skating on those Minnesota ponds in winter; birthday cake and hot cocoa. College dorm celebration at 19, finishing graduate school at 29, my child placed in my arms when I was 39. Then I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 49.
But at 59? I am here. And that was what I longed for at 49 – just more years to be with my beloved child and raise him. Thank God…for the amazing doctors and supportive friends and fearless husband and scared, relieved child. I look forward to 69, but life is so very unpredictable and unfair. No guarantees. I know this is true from standing at memorial services for beloved people who left too soon.
Time. Our best birthday gift. I hope to use it wisely,
(S-R archive photo)