Remembering the wedding people, some now gone

Today, my husband I celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary. We scanned this photo in of all the family members who attended in 1985. Seven of the people in the photo have died -- my dad, two brothers-in-law, a sister-in-law, an aunt and two uncles.
The children in this picture (my nieces, nephews and stepchildren) are in their 30s and 40s now. Most have children of their own. Their children look like them. I do double takes. None of the nieces and nephews were married yet, and so their spouses aren't in this photo, either.
I am in awe of how our family has grown and multiplied and grown richer in spirit with new people joining these families -- mine and my husband's. And the family members who have passed on, I like to believe they are with us still, in spirit and in good wishes, and in awe at how much has transpired since that unseasonably warm day in Spokane, 27 years ago today.
Happy anniversary to us all.