RIP: Brochures

This morning, I walked over to the advertising agency Boom to return some Women Helping Women photos. I walked in and two hip looking young men, and a very fashion-forward young woman, were in this cool space that didn't look very Spokane at all.
They explained they do creative work for clients all through the country.
"Do you have a brochure?" I asked.
No, they didn't. But they gave me a CD (see photo of it open here) which had information on the company.
Walking back to the office, I realized that brochures might be on their way out, too. It will likely be awhile, even a few more years, but printed brochures, the staple of business dealings for decades, might be on life supprt.
And as I was leaving, one of the guys, Dylan Kinsella, handed me his business card. Made of copper.
RIP: Boring, plain business cards, made out of paper?