In the messy trenches with Jesus
As we move into the almost third week of Advent, the days continue to get darker and longer. The third week of Advent is one that calls Christians to rejoice! The waiting is almost over. Thank God. After a day of mall violence and fiscal cliffhanging, we need reminding of the Light that is Christmas.
Writer Anne Lamott takes us on a journey of hope through an experience of Tom Weston, her friend. When Anne asked for a story of healing and hope, Tom didn’t hesitate to share a slice of his real life journey; a slice not decorated up for any holiday parade, but a slice of life where we encounter the distasteful, difficult, and unsavory side of humanity. And the intrinsic kindness of each other.
Her message? It is after all the whole point of our time together: to care for each other, at any time, in any moment, as we work together on our issues, lovely or not. For it is in those moments that the light of Christ shines within us and permeates the cracks around us. Cracks that appear in the most unlikely time and place.
The light awaits as we continue our Advent vigil.
(S-R archives photo)