Renowned poet and English Professor Tod Marshall has been named to a two-year term as Gonzaga University's Robert K. and Ann J. Powers Professor Chair of the Humanities. He replaces philosophy Professor Wayne Pomerleau.
A dog beaten and buried alive is being released from State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital after more surgeries. This time, it was an operation to surgically repair her sinuses.
Rumors that the fraternity is on the verge of being shut down have swirled around the EWU campus for days. Those have been fueled, in part, by a series of social media postings ostensibly by fraternity members that include sexually lurid descriptions of a sorority members and a photo of what appears to be a drunken member passed out on the floor.
They were part of a United Way volunteer effort that also included IRS officials, according to Gonzaga University. Nearly 60 Gonzaga students participated, along with students from Eastern Washington and Whitworth universities.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson is suing Student Loan Processing.US and its owner for charging Washington customers “exorbitant and illegal” fees to adjust their student loan debt.