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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Editor's notes

What a night

The Associated Press declared Donald Trump the winner at approximately 11:30 Tuesday night. I confess to being one of those who never took his candidacy seriously until his nomination as the GOP candidate approached certainty. 

Much will be written and analyzed in the days and months ahead as America begins to adjust to this tumultuous turn of events. There will be unlimited celebration and eating of crow by all of the players involved in this unprecedented campaign and outcome.

A former newspaper editor in Colorado told me a month or so ago that half of Americans would be angry after the election, no matter who won. I suspect she's going to be right on that score, but the America I know will eventually adjust and move on to the next chapter. Yes, this election has shown there is deep division amongst us. We have much work to do and the sooner we start, the better.

Editor's notes