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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Editor's notes

Election 2016

I've been retired for two months now, but I'm back in the newsroom tonight because I wanted to be here to witness my 11th presidential election as a journalist. It promises to be a fascinating and historic evening, no matter who wins.

 Editor Rob Curley has graciously welcomed me back into the fold on one of the busiest nights of any journalist's life. Rob and his team have developed an impressive game plan for the Wednesday paper. For starters, the 16-page, ad-free front section will be devoted entirely to election coverage. The coverage will include results from all of the national, state and local elections, plus analysis and context for how the winners put together their strategies.

 If the presidential election is decided long after our print deadline, the staff has a plan in place to produce an eight-page special edition on Wednesday. The next couple editions of The Spokesman-Review promise to be collector's items and thousands of extra copies will be printed to meet the needs of our readers.







Editor's notes