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The Eco-Traveler archive for May 2009

MONDAY, MAY 25, 2009

Fighting the Desert

This week has been a prime example of why people think of the Middle East as a dirty, dusty place.We have had sandstorms moving in, covering everything in their path. People here try to fight the desert by sweeping and washing their walkways every day,…

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SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2009

Powerful Progress

Working in Kurdistan last year, I would often get frustrated with the electricity situation. We were supposed to have a constant power supply, but nearly everyday the power at our apartment would cut out. Sometimes it was only off for five minutes, other times we…

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The Changing Face of Kurdish Education

Following on the heels of Three Cups of Tea, it seems like a great time to discuss the state of the educational system in Kurdistan. During Saddam's reign, the school system in Kurdistan was largely ignored and not well supported (if it was supported at…

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MONDAY, MAY 18, 2009

SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2009

The Lady at the Airport

I mentioned in my last post that I spent quite a while chatting up a lovely Kurdish woman at the Dubai airport. She is a perfect example of the openness and friendliness that I have found many Kurds to share.Arriving at the airport much too…

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THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2009

Safe Arrival

After two days, three delayed flights and an overnight in Dubai, I've finally arrived in Iraq. Though it turned out all the flights were delayed, it would have been nice to know in advance as to ward off the stress of missing a connection. Sitting…

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The Iraqi Job 

The mention of Iraq tends to bring to mind bombings, warring militaries and religious factions, fighting over oil and a war-torn countryside. But that's not all Iraq has to offer.What we commonly don't hear about are the people of Iraq. There are several sub-cultures living…

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TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2009

A synthesis of marketing and service brings in ratings, motivates America to get healthy, and feeds people in need (The Spokesman-Review)

Final Day for Pound for Pound

Today is the final day to report your weight loss results with the Pound for Pound Challenge. For every pound you have lost, General Mills will donate a pound of food to Feeding America and their network of over 200 food banks. Currently, one in…

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View of Lake Atitlan from Panajachel. Photo courtesy of Kirsten Noelle Hubbard. (Andrea Shearer)

UNESCO Site: Antigua, Guatemala (7)

For our final class, my teacher and my friend’s teacher were feeling rebellious. The school knew we went out into town for the second half of class, and they had approved it provided we stay in Antigua. But our teachers, after telling administration we were…

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MONDAY, MAY 4, 2009

FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2009

One-on-one teaching instruction in the courtyard. Photo courtesy of (Andrea Shearer)

UNESCO Site: Antigua, Guatemala (5)

Those were the only two rules I can remember aside from the standard “be home by dinner”, “participate in family activities” and the like- things we wanted to do anyway. Our host mother was an excellent cook and made the best local food we’d ever…

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The Eco-Traveler

Through The Eco-Traveler blog, Andrea Shearer shares her experiences of international adventure travel, volunteering and SCUBA diving with a commitment to protecting our environment. In the next few months, Andrea will bring her blog closer to home while exploring the natural environment and adventure activities the Midwest has to offer, and will go international again with a volunteer expedition to Nicaragua over the winter holidays. You can reach her at

Blog Archives

May 2009
25 23 20 18 16
14 09 06 05 04