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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Eco-Traveler archive for July 2009

FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2009

Wazee Lake, Wisconsin. Photo courtesy of (Andrea Shearer)

Diving in Wisconsin?

I'm a warm water diver, no doubts about it. As my dad (the hard-core, dive-in-any-temperature instructor) puts it, I'm a 'fair weather diver'. Or, as he prefers, 'pansy'. Fair enough. Cold water diving has never appealed to me, dry suits are the invention of insanity,…

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FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2009


These old taxis are on their way to becoming a nostalgic part of Cairo's past. Photo courtesy of (Andrea Shearer)

Cairo Cab Exchange

An amazing thing happened to me while in between dive trips in Cairo. I got into a cab and watched the cabbie start a working meter. An actual meter! I'd never have thought it possible, and was rather pleasantly surprised to have this new experience.…

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An Oceanic White Tipped Shark. Curious and aggressive, it's best to leave these guys alone. Photo courtesy of (Andrea Shearer)


Immediately following on the heels of my nightmarish experience in Dubai, I was rewarded with an amazing dive trip to the Red Sea. After sleeping off my exhaustion, I woke up and piled into the car for the seven hour drive to Sharm el Sheikh.…

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The Eco-Traveler

Through The Eco-Traveler blog, Andrea Shearer shares her experiences of international adventure travel, volunteering and SCUBA diving with a commitment to protecting our environment. In the next few months, Andrea will bring her blog closer to home while exploring the natural environment and adventure activities the Midwest has to offer, and will go international again with a volunteer expedition to Nicaragua over the winter holidays. You can reach her at

Blog Archives

July 2009
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