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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


12 Days of Holiday Crafts, Day 7: Felted Acorn Ornaments

 (Maggie Bullock)
(Maggie Bullock)

I love the simplicity and ease of these little acorn ornaments. I gathered acorn caps while walking the dog in the park a few weeks ago. They are easy to find around town…under the snow.

You will need:
wool roving in various colors
needle felting tool
a piece of foam
acorn caps
hot glue
string or thread for hanging

  1. Pull off an acorn-sized chunk of wool roving and roll it between your hands to until it becomes a bit round. It will still be very loose, but the shape will get you started.
  2. Using you needle felting tool, place your felt over the foam and start poking the wool into an acorn shape. The shape is very simple: one end is a bit tapered and rounded; the other end should be flat to fit into the cap. (I found a three-needle pen tool works very well and makes quick work of the project). Using a felting needle locks the wool fibers together, you’ll notice the acorn becoming more firm and tight as you work.
  3. Keep poking your acorn until you’re happy with the shape and the fibers are no longer loose.
  4. Hot glue a cap on each acorn, and you’re done! I found that each acorn took about 10 minutes to felt, and it was an easy project to do while watching a movie. Unfortunately, this is not a project for young children as the felting tool is painfully sharp and pointy. (I found this out the hard way. Youch!)
  5. Tie a string or thread around the stem for hanging.


Merry Christmas!



Artist and crafter Maggie Wolcott writes about craft events in and around Spokane, as well as her own adventures in creating and repurposing. Her DwellWellNW posts include project and decorating ideas, recipes, reviews of events, and interviews with local artists. Maggie spends her days as an English professor, and when she’s not grading papers, she can generally be found with a paintbrush or scissors in hand. She can be reached at